The Book of Ruth - Week 2

We continue our series in Ruth, however it was unbearably cold this week with a -17 degree windchill and winter storms moving in so we opted to do a Facebook live message to make sure that everyone stayed warm and safe.

Why? - Why Am I So Stressed?

We started a new series were we are looking at the commonly asked questions what we have. Although we do not have all the answers, the Bible does. This first week Pastor Mike digs into the principles that the Bible teaches us, how can we deal with the stress that life has better by increasing our capacity to handle the stress.

Man In The Mirror - Week 2

This week Pastor Perry takes a deeper look at the things that we see when we look in the mirror. Who do you see when you look in the mirror?

Redneck - Week 2

How do God and Camouflage go together? Check out this weeks message.

Redneck- Week 1

We started a new series today called Redneck... What is a Series called Redneck all about? It is all about just being who you are. We would love for you to hang out with us during this series as we look at what it looks like to be proud of Who God made you!