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We are KICKING OFF our series GAMEDAY as we GEAR UP for the football season. In our first week of GameDay Pastor Mike encourages you to Gear Up as we go out into this world. We are called to make a difference, to reach the goal line. What are you doing in your position to accomplish that?
In the fourth and final week of our series What Happens To You When You Die Pastor Mike talks about eternity. The truth is you will spend forever in Heaven or in Hell. God created you to be an eternal but it is up to you where you spend that eternity.
We are in week 3 of the series, What Happens To You When You Die? This week Pastor Mike looks at the questions What Will Heaven Be Like? It's not just about what will be there, but more important it is who will be there.
In the second week of our series, What Would Jesus UnDo, Pastor Mike looks at how we worship and honor Jesus. It is not about the What you are doing to worship Him, it is about the Why.
We are starting a new series, What Would Jesus UnDo? As Jesus followers we we often look at the life of Jesus and how he lived. Sometimes we can learn the best lessons in life by looking at what not to do. This week Pastor Mike starts out the Series by looking at being Indifferent.