We have several options for you to choose from that make giving to our church easy, safe and secure. You can opt to give online, through smart giving via text messaging on your mobile device or during our Sunday Experience.
We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure portal below to quickly and easily give online.
if you want to give through your mobile device, you can text the amount you want to give to 417-553-0066 and follow the prompts.
If you prefer, you can still give during our weekend experience by filling out the envelope located in your Experience Guide and placing it in the secure lock box at the back of the auditorium next to the exit.
We believe the top competitor for our devotion to Jesus is money (Matthew 6:24). Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things.
We believe Christians should be the most generous people (2 Corinthians 9:6) on earth to support worthy causes, and there is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church (Ephesians 3:10)!