We are bombarded every day with the media’s perception of beauty and how people should look. These false views often cause us to struggle with our own self-image and appearance. But comparing ourselves to others—especially models and celebrities—is unhealthy and unbiblical, and eventually leads us to take our focus off of the Lord.

Jesus died for us so we can live a life of freedom (Galatians 5:1). Constant worry about our image keeps us from that. We can live in greater freedom when we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us.

God wants you to understand that you are made in His image (Genesis 1:27) and wonderful in His sight (Psalm 139:14). He is enthralled by you (Psalm 45:11). If you fail to understand this truth, your body image will come primarily from your perception of how others see you. So do you see yourself as God does—as His special, unique and beloved creation? Or do you believe lies about yourself, perhaps from the media or other people? What are these lies? Ask the Lord to reveal them to you and replace them with His truth.

Romans 12:2 reminds us that our goal is to be transformed by the renewing of our mind through God’s truth. It is not always easy. It takes serious effort to replace negative thoughts about ourselves with truth. However, John 8:31–32 promises us that the truth will set us free, and this truth includes that we bear God’s perfect image and His beauty, within and without.

The comparisons and beliefs of the world will always steal our joy. We should never believe the lies that if we had larger muscles, or if we were thinner, or if our looks were different in some way, then we would be happy. We cannot find peace apart from Jesus, and worrying about how we look is just another distraction that keeps us from knowing the truth.


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